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That's where I came from
Stąd pochodzę
My Books
Moje książki
"The Alchemist" / "Alchemik" - Paulo Coehlo
"The cider house rules" / "Regulamin tłoczni win" - John Irving
"Henry and June" / "Henry i June" - Anais Nin
"The little prince"/ "Mały książe" - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"Winnie the Pooh"/"Kubuś Puchatek" - A. A. Milne
"Greenlights" - Matthew McConaughey
"Why men love bitches" /"Dlachego mężczyźni kochają zołzy" - Sherry Argov
"The diary of a young girl" / "Dziennik" - Anne Frank
"One, None and A Hundred-Thousand" / "Jeden, nikt i sto tysięcy" - Luigi Pirandello
"Meditations"/ "Rozmyślania" - Marcus Aurelius
"Secrets of the lost mode of prayer" / "Tajemnice zagubionej modlitwy" - Greg Braden

You must know it
Because I would love you to know
Mazury, Poland – Land of a Thousand Lakes
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